Upward Bound requires our students to take the ACT twice throughout their high school years, and offers to pay for both attempts. The ACT is a great way to earn some extra scholarship dollars, so we want to help you.
Typically, Juniors and Seniors should be taking the ACT, but we encourage all students to get ready for this test.
Our focus is preparing students for life after high school. In order to do this, we help them determine their strengths and interests, pair them with appropriate career paths, and find colleges and universities that would allow them to pursue a relevant degree.
Click here for additional information.
Upon completion of the Bridge Program after high school graduation, Upward Bound participants are eligible for a scholarship to NCCC of $250/semester.
For students not attending NCCC, here is a list of other scholarships that you should apply for. Keep in mind, the sooner you apply, the better!
If you are looking for educational support and college preparedness, but aren't sure if you will be able to make the commitment to all that the Upward Bound program requires, you should check out Talent Search.
They help middle and high school students, and provide many of the same services as Upward Bound, including free tutoring, academic/cultural trips, ACT prep, mentoring, and more! You can find out more by calling 620-432-0412 or visiting their website.